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The Lord gave the word: great was the
company of those that published it.
(Ps. 68:11)

Why Use Gospel Tracts?

And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere." (Mark 16:15)

Free Seed for The Sower Gospel Tracts make evangelism outreach easy; even for the inexperienced and unconfident. The cover pages with their contemporary visual appeal and relate-able and engaging themes compel people to read them. This makes it easy to give these gospel tracts to people with confidence. The effective sharing of the gospel message can be easily accomplished by anyone, by simply reading though the tracts together with others, followed by a discussion of what was read. This can build confidence and develop skill in sharing the gospel message with others.

We have a tract designed to appeal to the body pierced, one for senior citizens, one that appeals to the patriotic, one for the "open-minded", one for New Agers, one with a terrorism theme, tracts that appeal to a wide general audience, and so on. Like a fisherman who chooses bait according to the kind of fish that are being fished for, soul winners can strategically choose the Free Seed For The Sower tracts that will appeal to the people or people groups that they are reaching out to.

The giving of gospel tracts can open doors for verbally sharing the gospel message. The act of giving can put the receiver in a state of gratitude and receptivity, and can win their consent for you to speak to them about Jesus Christ. This is especially true if the tract has a theme with supporting graphics that attract their attention and interest.

Tips For Using Our Tracts:

  • When offering it to someone, arouse their curiosity by showing them the cover and saying, "Did you get one of these yet?

  • When distributing tracts among people, observe to see if any are engrossed in reading the tract. Approach them in a friendly manner and ask them what they think about what they have read. Expect the Holy Spirit to be involved as you share the gospel. If you feel nervous about your ability to share the gospel message, you can review with them the gospel message as it appears on the right inside page.

As you have success in our Free Seed For The Sower Gospel Tracts,
please visit our Facebook page and share your testimonies with us and our Facebook visitors.
FREE Downloadable Gospel Tracts - Contemporary, Credible, Relevant & Effective!
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