The seed is the Word of God. (Luke 8:11b)
The Sower is YOU. (John 4:36c)

Gospel Tracts Now
And the gospel must first be published among all nations. (Mark 13:10)
In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." To catch fish, we need to use bait that attracts the fish that we seek to catch. Gospel tracts can be effective "bait" to use in our quest to reach people with the gospel message. Each Seed for the Sower gospel tract is individually designed to reach a specific kind of "fish" (people group). Each is designed to appeal to people by topic, age group, subculture, mindset, or worldview.
For gospel tracts to be effective they must present the gospel message clearly.
For gospel tracts to be fruitful, they must be read.
To help ensure that gospel tracts will actually be read by people today; the tracts:
must have eye appeal through superior art work
must have topic-of-interest appeal
must not be too wordy
must be of superior quality
Seed For the Sower Tracts:
each appeal to specific people groups
have attention-arresting cover pages
communicate a complete gospel message
contain an appeal to respond to the Gospel
warn of consequences of rejecting Christ
tell how to begin the Christian life
are superior in quality and appearance
Take advantage of our Evangelistic Testimony-Based Website www.ChangedLives.info to direct people to as an outreach tool.
Visit our Wisdom in Evangelism blog http://seedforthesowerpub.blogspot.com/ for helps and insights that can help you grow in wisdom and understanding in evangelism and outreach.
"Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together." (John 4:36-NAS)
What people are saying about SFTS Tracts!
"Seed for Sower tracts are very well written. I use them regularly in my evangelistic ministry. I also hold a Master's Degree in Professional Writing. Thanks for making my evangelistic work easier."
- Lynne Gilham- Jesus King of Glory Ministries
"These gospel tracts look really great. Very horizontal and relational. They're outside the box."
- Donna and Jack Thal, Toms River, NJ
"Praise God! and Hello."
I wanted to thank the Lord and Seed for the Sower on the New Believer tracts I just ordered and received. They are awesome and of great quality and I still can't believe the price…. I have acquired the tract "Your New Life in Christ" they are an incredible follow up tool when witnessing on the streets. We will be buying many more in the soon future...”
- Angel C. Jr